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you know it really is nice when you make a funny meme for giggles on the internet and people flood your notifications about how clearly you must be wrong, i love waking up to that

xset -b in xinitrc was all i needed and none of the linux gurus i asked knew about it

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another puzzle gripe: i have notifications/x11-bell running through libcanberra by way of module libpipewire-module-x11-bell. the first notification/bell will always play through pc speaker, but second onwards correctly only uses the audio. i want to not unload module pcspkr. what is causing the first occurrence to fumble? "rmmod pcspkr" is the wrong answer.

i wish ripcord had a 32-bit version

is there any decent way to chat on discord on an older machine that doesn't involve clunky bridging into another chatting standard

my favourite type of complaint-disguised-as-feedback on any sort of game or service are the ones that read like someone walking in to their local mcdonalds calling up the manager to lecture them that they're doing their business model a huge disservice by not offering the drivethru cars a free oil change

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!