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hey y'all just checking in to remind you that i'm still not human

stupid fucking sysmeds are doing more "damage" to the "system community" than kids playing about talking about alters and fictionkin and tulpas

being so detached from console gaming that you forget which number is the current playstation

can you imagine getting a whole ass fucking computer in the mail, on the regular

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i swear to god if random people sent me mail like they do to cishet while male youtubers i would be solved

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i just want to get youtuber money to fix retro computers for them and finance my queer fucky lifestyle

what should i do with a prototype chromebook cr-48 with a completely dead battery

we can't tell if how often we're bored on the computer now it's because the computer changed or we're just depressed

The "skip intro" button on streaming services should know the meter of the theme song so it can cleanly skip a whole number of bars.

i wanted a more permanent solution to the true RS232 to USB adapter my panasonic RK-P400C typewriter plotter needed so i shoved everything as best as i could into a DB25 shell

i beg everybody who's rotating text in photoshop to change the antialiasing from sharp to smooth so that the letters' baseline isn't completely off-kilter like a ransom note

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!