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does anyone know where i can find the heavily-DMCA'd Steinberg VST SDK 2.4

this isn't brought up by anything more than cPTSD these people caused reigniting shitty flashbacks but this is my space and i'll type what i want and i don't care if others think it's an unsavoury post to be making on the online

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i've been accused of being a pedophile for not demonising my friends who have kinks that are none of my business, i've been accused of being an abuser for calling into question somebody's true motives for keeping me in their circles and i've been accused of doing DARVO to people who were doing DARVO against me and i just wanna say it'll take more than a few keyboard crusaders to get rid of the cockroach motherfucker typing at you right now

Time for that reminder again. You may have pulled the leaky 1/2AA batteries from your Macs, but have you re-applied thermal compound? It can dry out to barely more than dust, and the last thing you need after pulling a classic machine out & firing it up for the first time in years is thermal damage because it just couldn't cool itself.

haha i just found out that the SAGE 2023 game made with game boy camera pictures used for some of the pictures

i've made it big

quietly launching 4.3 which changes the page UI a bit to something that feels more comfortable to me

this was a fun style departure for me! i hope to do more of these soon :)

if you want something like this, hit me up!


“Bluesky could be the future of content moderation”.

I 100% disagree.

Yes, the protocol offers a plethora of ways to filter content and ensure you never come across, say, Nazis.

But that’s not what content moderation is. Content moderation is making decisions. It is either welcoming or refusing certain types of content on your platform.

If you’re letting everyone in, and telling your users "but you have control!", you’re not moderating anything. You’re just quitting.

thankfully the console's plastic shell is so dummy thicc none of it seems cracked

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having a clear xbox + controller is all well and good until you realize 20 year old clear plastic is very brittle

perhaps screw posts from a discarded toy and model making plastic cement will help

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!