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hearing about the new mastodon board makes me real glad I started running my own gotosocial server: [the board features the co-founder of twitter, a blockchain bro, and most of them don't actually have a mastodon account]

I don't want to abandon my old masto account, but I'm making a concerted effort to shift more and more things over to this one

it's imperative that the fediverse is more than just mastodon

Following up on the analysis of @MF_Dume , here's a blog post discovered by @jdp23 quoting new Mastodon board member Amir Ghavi:

'While the EU is trying to prevent the worst AI harms proactively, the American approach is more reactive. The US waits for harms to emerge first before regulating, says Amir Ghavi, a partner at the law firm Fried Frank. Ghaviis representing Stability AI, the company behind the open-source image-generating AI Stable Diffusion, in three copyright lawsuits. 

“That’s a pro-capitalist stance,” Ghavi says. “It fosters innovation. It gives creators and inventors the freedom to be a bit more bold in imagining new solutions.” '

Hey Mastodon: Welcome to the machine!

here's some shit italo i threw together in 2016 and never figured out how to finish

Another web site that's a time capsule: Computer Video Editing magazine shut down in December 2004, but their web site is still online.

please take a step to bigger things. things are inherently designed in a way out of bounds in deep fog- and manage to make cool stuff for me

Still on the look-out for the JPI/Clarion TopSpeed TechKit manuals, specifically the Advanced Programming Guide.

It contains information on the TS x86 assembly dialect. I've looked for years for a copy, but I've not come across it.

If anyone has a copy, PDF or otherwise, please let me know!

#RetroComputing #compilers

Should also add, this advice doesn't necessarily apply to everything... if you're coding an app dealing with banking data or something, you should probably know what you're doing first ha

But we're making games! If you have an idea and you're just getting started - dive in, have fun, be creative!

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This is going about on the birdside from the (apparently) leaked Balatro source code, and people are shitting all over it. Some straight up saying don't write code like this, learn to do it right before daring make a game..

I disagree!

Sure, it wouldn't pass a code review. But it looks like someone who had an idea and used what knowledge and tools they had to build it, working things out as they went..

And the product holds up, so what's it matter?

#gamedev #games #balatro #coding

i love people who conflate git with github they have such a childlike naive view of the world it's cute

Good morning to you and a very fuck the Tories.

In order to to be able to fuck the Tories you now need ID. If you don’t have ID, go here ASAP to be able to vote against them next week.

i hold the radical belief that not everything needs to be for everybody at every possible time

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!