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i just wish i could get any sort of feedback instead of finding these things months later by googling "webgbcam" :') not many people care about who makes their tools

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For all the people that got excited by those photos I shared of my #zxspectrum based laptop with #viewdata modem, which I'm taking to #emf2024 I now have a video where I demo it:

It's still so wild to me that you can point out bad practices in javascript or whatever other language or point out a better way to write something and people go "yes of course, that makes sense now, I'll do it this way now" but for CSS those same people throw up their hands and go "I fear I need to reinvent CSS actually" instead of just learning the thing

house md 4x10 (airdate january 2008). garfield strip july 13 1986. it's the fucking source for the why do they call it oven meme

house md 4x10 (airdate january 2008). garfield strip july 13 1986. it's the fucking source for the why do they call it oven meme

dae get bored enough you blow on an sbc and watch the temp monitor drop 10 degrees is 6 stars away from 128 and earning me the bronze GitHub starstruck badge, do you have what it takes to help me reach arbitrary meaningless internet points?

furries! for far too many interpersonal relationships with way too many schmucks are falling for TERF rhetoric

if everybody who likes clicking the star button on my negative posts as an attempt to show sympathy did this i would probably even get to the silver badge

Show thread is 6 stars away from 128 and earning me the bronze GitHub starstruck badge, do you have what it takes to help me reach arbitrary meaningless internet points?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!