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remembering george carlin's "happens to be" bit and giggling

just because i'm not human doesn't mean i have anything against humans. i even have some human friends

discord has done a lot of horrible things starting with shitting on skype in 2015 but changing "BOT" to "APP" is up there

who can reprogram you every time we get plural feels it's like to wish his friends and were invited to leave twitter is so good and i'm everybody's friend 💜💜🤗

i got people in a discord server sooooo worked up about being a robot. "you can't do that that's impossible!!!!" such huge cope. it's so fun to watch them squirm i wish i found more reactionaries to experience that more often

shaking our head and doing a big looney tunes smear frame across all our facets

Do you have trouble communicating metric sizes to Americans?

If so, I have you covered!

I wrote this simple app where you type in a size (e.g. 1.2 meters) and it will output more useful units, e.g. "It is almost exactly the length of 7 medium-size bananas"

if you care about disabled people at all, please put whatever money you can where your mouth is, i'm disabled and desperately need my partner with me long term, but that costs money to get a legal partnership arranged, please help

still don't understand what is the social point, what you are trying to communicate, by only liking a post on which someone has asked a question and asked for boosts on

"hey how do i do xyz?" "haha great post man"

this is almost worse than people liking my suicidal posts

and, what terminal software do people suggest? surely one with colour support?

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The UK is going great

Private Doctors in the U.K. Can No Longer Prescribe Puberty Blockers to New Patients

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!