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so i bought an Amstrad NC100 as broken on ebay for less than 20 pounds. i was going to use just the shell and repurpose the keyboard to make it into a modern cyberdeck. i bridged a blown fuse and it's working. now what?

hey it's been a few years since win3.11 can we maybe use a better folder picker than this?

downloading win98se iso (because i can't find any of my multiple copies) from winworldpc and setting up a p133 vm in pcem as you do on a sunday (fuck 86box)

paying 40 quid for something that would probably cost me 5 if i could walk up to the market stalls in shenzhen

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why is an LCD module twice the price of a cheap nobrand car head unit that uses the same LCD module

toying with the idea of win98 development. what framework/workflow should i follow? i want windows with some bitmap drawing. something similar to what furcadia or the palace have done back in the day. i'm wondering if mattkc's .net 3.5 backport is good enough for it :boost_ok:

I am begging software projects to release programs as tarballs or plain old static binaries. I don't know what a Helm chart is. I am not installing an entire Kubernetes cluster. Docker breaks LXC and firewalls and is constantly breaking for mysterious reasons. I would rather submit myself to hours of `./configure && make && make install` frustration than try to hack through the endless hellscape of containerized deployment systems.

I love it so much!

Firefox has made it SO EASY to switch to Firefox from Chrome, that you dont even lose your OPEN TABS.

Have you got 34 open tabs lol? And you lost uBlock ad-blocker today? (You did, you lost your ad blocker, because Google)

You dont even lose open Tabs! (And you get to install uBlock)

Fancy that.

#chrome #ublock #adblockers

anyway fuck you all queens with a neovagina 💜 i hope you disappear from my line of sight

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maybe by the time i'm 50 if liver damage by alcohol doesn't take me by then, maybe i'll enter a waiting list that'll give me bottom surgery 10 years from then

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maybe i need to not have everybody else being a winner rubbed in my face every day

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i don't care about other people's achievements especially if they're not particularly close to me i'm too jaded and envious for that and fuck you for thinking less of me for it

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if you have had bottom surgery you're too fucking privileged to ever be my friend

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if you know me and you haven't talked to me in like a year and the first thing you tell me is that you got bottom surgery i sincerely want you to go fuck yourself with your neovagina and leave me the fuck alone

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!