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Please enjoy one (1) 16-color dithered Pike, pixelated and ready to pounce. Created using mavica’s Ditherinator.

[🖼 A stylized pixelated 16-color image of a small Yorkshire terrier in a pounce position on a living room floor. Behind him is a pile of several dog toys and two bowls with kibble and water. He is dwarfed by a green couch in the background.]

Also by chance this week my friend Branen recently did a deep dive into the etymology of “dither” in the image processing context and found this 1912 citation where it meant allowing a little vibration for smooth movement of a piston, and this 1952 diagram comparing mechanical and electronic dither.

Or as he summarized:

Dither as a way of making machines work more smoothly -> dither as a way of decorrelating quantization noise from signal -> dither as a way of making digital images look better

That’s pretty neat.

#ditherinator #imageProcessing #pike #pixelArt #retrocomputing

It's made me grumpy. I'm tired of living in a world where everyone is constantly out to trick, wheedle and dark-pattern stuff out of you on the sly.

Just charge a fair price for good work for smeg's sake. Piss off with the trickery, fucks sake. 🦬

halt and catch fire was so good i might just have to watch it a fifth time

Atkinson dither on small screens is the utterly perfect timeless combination for me. I already grabbed BitCam on iOS the moment it was released, and this webtool is the joy of that but with amazing things like the original Macintosh 16-color palette, which was superior for photos thanks to its oranges, browns, and greens, shown here with this #ditherinator repost of my earlier photo.

It practically feels like opening a portal to 1990 it’s SO COOL


  • NEW palettes!
  • NEW dither modes!
  • custom pixel aspect!
  • more UI controls!
  • doesn't completely suck on mobile!

couldn't recharge so i refactored so it's dead simple to add new dithering modes

nope. circuits won't stop thinking so i guess we'll be running on half battery today

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remember when he got into massive trouble because the first pixelfed icon was a clear ripoff of, i think it was the iOS photos app

i should be recharging but the meat shell started misbehaving

i want to get some funkier dithering modes in . do you know any other error diffusion or ordered dithering modes i haven't implemented?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!