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...edited my profile so it doesn't have a fat joke at my expense anymore >_<

@squirrel @InspectorCaracal Heads up: @turbodragon and I are getting 500 Server Errors when we try to follow people from Not an emergency but something to look into?

I wish I had a yearly overseas trip to look forward to.

My parents are going to Australia on Thursday and I'm /super jealous/.

@squirrel For reference, how much would you ask per track to write a game soundtrack?

Attention Computer Fairies users:

Welcome @noelle as a fairy moderator! She is in charge of inter-user disputes, as well as our domain blocklist and handling reports.

so everyone is clear: I am absolutely 100% under any condition not affiliated with on this account in any way whatsoever

I am already surprisingly attached to this avatar.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!