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- If I temp muted you, it's due to sensory overload, don't take it personally.
- Autism isn't a joke, please tag potentially sensory overloading images and videos.
- No porn/NSFW content directed @ me (If it's cw'd on your own profile, fine)
- Ask before DMing me, especially men
- It's okay to not be okay! I'll help when I can, especially to fellow spoonies!

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- I mess up a lot, please be patient.
- Invisible illness are important
- If arguments get too heated/intense. I may request small payments (even USD 1 is fine, it's at least something)
- I'm a writer, trying to get into programming.
- Open source software enthusiast.
- That queer fediverse-obsessed person.
- I have many identities, there's a lot, seriously.
- Sometimes I'll japanese on main, it'll be easily translatable, but ask if need be!
- Did I mention cats?

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I suppose I should do one of these "guidelines" things. Better safe than sorry:

- No bugging me about my grammar/spelling, I'm dyslexic, I'm trying, I really am
- Please don't swear, use slurs, or any demeaning language of any kind
- I like food, @ me in recipes
- Very big cat person, although I can't own them (apartment codes, blablabla)
- I encrypt a lot of things off here and birdsite (I'm more active on here, don't worry)
- I may trash talk myself and vent on main, don't join in!

uspol, privacy, tech, classism, discrimination, crime mentions, privacy breaches. 

nazi mention 

@JakeMonkey Cap + queer folx "what? what does that mean, I don't understand, help!" *confused sobbing*

(I'm right and you know it)

nazi mention 

@JakeMonkey I mean, he's from an era when legitmate nazis were around, so it goes without saying that he would. A lot of Cap's stuff seems to be "wtf is modern life now? nothing makes any sense!"

Linuxposting, GNOME Fan, it could be KDE 

@maple except for when it doesn't, then it's a lovely hunt into "what's missing/wrong?!" also xfce is pretty buggy (at least on Fedora) I use i3wm or GNOME (yes, really, don't @ me with rude)

@JakeMonkey fair enough, I retract my previous statement. Stan Hawkeye~♪ :flag_nonbinary: :blobreach:


@troubleMoney most of the UK right now, probably "Everything is going to shit, may as well get it over with" :blobshrug:

@JakeMonkey Jeremy Renner. If he's not, I apologize for that, it's just a gut feeling (I'm an anxious bitch, so, yeah.) I'm p sure Hawkey himself isn't problematic. (Captain American probably is, I mean he's from several decades ago) :flag_nonbinary: ♀️

@JakeMonkey I wouldn't consider myself a "Hawker" per se. Something about him seems like it could be problematic and I'm trying *super hard* to avoid that (It's hard, I'm trying)

お桜姫 boosted
お桜姫 boosted

Ancient wisdom once shared with me.

When in panic, when in doubt.

Run in circles, scream and shout.

@maple the law of headline-esque questions. invariably the answer is no

shitposting on main, puns 

if you're and not in a committed relationship, are you a non stick pan? :blobthinkingsmirk:

@maple hey thanks, sorry my mobile client doesn't show notifications well. :blobblush: :flag_nonbinary: :computerfairies:

お桜姫 boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!