Minotaur facts 3: Minotaurs are immune to floor lego. However, as they are architects at heart, the destruction of the bricks underhoof will enrage them. Keep your lego clean and off the floor!
Minotaur facts 6: Minotaurs do not get lost in labyrinths, but rather have formed a symbiotic relationship with them thanks to a developed spatial cunning. However, they are still straightforward creatures at heart and do not take well to labyrinthine bureaucracy. Red tape is like a red cloth to them.
@pettancow Minitaur Facts 1: There is a name for minotaurs that are particularly small.
@pettancow If you give a minotaur a fairy then she’s gonna want to start a feymarch.
@legendaryjoeb No, no, Faepril is still a month out.
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