Picking back up from last night, I picked it up to use as a cache for an old PCMCIA-equipped laptop, but that never panned out. I don't know why I had a six-year-old Arch ISO flashed to that card... Oh well, it gets to be the spare card for my dad's old DSLR now.
The irony is that I was looking up info on mkfs.vfat for a CF card I was reflashing for such a camera
people may debate, but we all know there's only one character in #ffxiv that truly deserves the title of 'himbo'
@DarkWitchClaire *minogirl yawn* =A=
To explain, my previous header was my favourite quote from Ar Tonelico 2. "You cannot abandon Funbun." I apparently lost the original I used to make said header tho, oh well
@softgoat cuuuute
Getting in on this uncyclopedia eorzea generator @wigglytuffitout posted. No good screencaps of Camilla so she'll have to wait for now. http://luckybancho.ldblog.jp/uncyclopediaeorzea_en.html #ffxiv
Technological tinker, greenhorn gamedev, fairy fanatic