Waldbrand nicht weit weg. Klimawandel ❤️ #needmorefossils
Wäsche nach dem Waschen anziehen bevor sie trocken ist #lifehack
Eiswasser im Thermosbecher #lifehack
@rhonda I have the similar problem that screen sharing in Signal Desktop doesn't work with Wayland (just black screen, too). Firefox is however able to record the screen (and luckily I need mostly Firefox)…
So Wayland may be the reason, but on the other side it seems to be possible with Wayland, too.
@rhonda Wow sieht toll aus :)
re: jobsuche
@maunzi Kann man immer brauchen ^
Hab mir ein Token »geklaut«. Finde die Idee nett, auch wenn die meisten Ergebnisse… gewöhnungsbedürfting sind. (Und ich war sogar real dort. 😀)
@auravulpes Thanks for the answer. I'm not from the US. And I didn't want to put the focus on lying but on the fact that they don't want my blood. Now I could 1) cry about discrimination (it feels strange that my blood, which is good enough for me to live, is for others too worthless to be collected; I think there are strong associations with blood) or 2) say: OK, they shall die, I'm fine with that. (Ofc, I will be a collateral damage if I need blood products myself.) So that's my consideration.
@auravulpes I'd donate, but they don't want my blood (for at least 2 reasons) and seemingly would rather die than accept my worthless blood. So why should I lie just to have the possibility to give them what they want?
This account is used for random thoughts (whether meaningful or not).