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Cisco has just released a new switch firmware and they have fixed an (energy-saving related) bug that I had reported 😀​

Wäsche nach dem Waschen anziehen bevor sie trocken ist

@rhonda I have the similar problem that screen sharing in Signal Desktop doesn't work with Wayland (just black screen, too). Firefox is however able to record the screen (and luckily I need mostly Firefox)…

So Wayland may be the reason, but on the other side it seems to be possible with Wayland, too.

Ok diese Heim-Dinger scheinen schon zu funktionieren, aber erst beim dritten Versuch (und nur im Rachen, Nase war 2x falsch-negativ). Plus 1x falsch-negativer PCR aus der Teststraße. Vlt wirkt auch einfach die Schlumpfung zu gut.

Is there any alternative to Spotify that runs on desktop Linux? I couldn't find one.

So, Pflicht erledigt, 💉💉💉. Und das wars jetzt. Impfabo nein danke.

It makes me happy to experience that Mastodon instances have downtimes. That reminds me that they're not some creepy cloud with tenfold redundancy to avoid missing any dust particle of user behavior which can be turned into gold.

Das letzte Typo3. Danach nie wieder im Leben durchhalten

Hab mir ein Token »geklaut«. Finde die Idee nett, auch wenn die meisten Ergebnisse… gewöhnungsbedürfting sind. (Und ich war sogar real dort. 😀​)

Praktisch, dass man Radwege im Winter als Endlager für geschaufelten Schnee benutzen kann ☃️​

@auravulpes Thanks for the answer. I'm not from the US. And I didn't want to put the focus on lying but on the fact that they don't want my blood. Now I could 1) cry about discrimination (it feels strange that my blood, which is good enough for me to live, is for others too worthless to be collected; I think there are strong associations with blood) or 2) say: OK, they shall die, I'm fine with that. (Ofc, I will be a collateral damage if I need blood products myself.) So that's my consideration.

@auravulpes I'd donate, but they don't want my blood (for at least 2 reasons) and seemingly would rather die than accept my worthless blood. So why should I lie just to have the possibility to give them what they want?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!