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Sometimes when I have to enter my passkey, instead of the screen I watch my fingers and it always seems wild to me that I hit all at a rate of like 250 / minute, pretty much in the sequence I mean to, all the time. Somehow I can get the ordering pretty much right. Watching myself type it seems so weird I could've learned to do my keystrokes in the right order nearly all the time.

female professors at MIT keep loads of plants in their offices to ward off richard stallman

watching summer gamers done quick and once again i am asking myself: who called it médecins sans frontières and not doctors noclip

they called for bags to be moved off seats due to loads of people getting on the train here

the upside of looking Like This is that even if i keep the seat next to me completely empty and inviting nobody will sit down
people don't want to sit next to the enby with the queer lefty laptop stickers, a respirator, dslr, and extremely fucking hot outfit
i dont understand the cishets, fortunately the feeling seems to be mutual

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Softing Microfuck! 

Microsoft is force-replacing the Windows Mail app with an app called "Outlook for Windows," as if confusion with Office Outlook/Outlook 365, Outlook Web Access, & the Outlook that replaced Hotmail wasn't enough.

Adding even more confusion, it's referenced in-app only as "The New Outlook," & the icon is a generic mail envelope with the word "New" as a badge.

But worst of all, it doesn't fucking work with *existing* POP3/IMAP4 accounts! "Your access is gone now, good luck!"

Listening at 3 am to an album appropriately called "3 A.M Chill Session"

@hikari …and so this isn't a problem with *base* qt, because all base qt constructors are declared with explicit

but the first thing you do when you start writing qt is you subclass existing qt classes and create your own MyQtClass(QObject *) {} constructors

so if you don't know about the `explicit` convention and why the qt base libraries do it, you have just placed a landmine under your chair

[if you use a different type of parentheses] temporaries bound to references do not have their lifetimes extended


i wish i could unread this please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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Everyone always talks about Alt girls, but where are my Ctrl girls, ⌘Command girls, and Fn girls?

Numeronyms are fun, but they have one major problem: namespace collision.

What is a11y? Is it accessibility? Associatively? Axiomatically? Autobiography?

This is obviously a problem that needs solving.

My solution? SHAsum hashing. We can avoid the ambiguity of "a11y" with this unique, cryptographically sound alternative:

Accessibility? a884a5f3609f2cca635fed56d4ec5795da56fb970y

Axiomatically? a20c4bcee8f977a3f5a3b6b499d52d7dd32584771y

SImple, easy to visually distinguish, everyone wins.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!