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Taking a stroll through my spam folder, I saw a bunch of legitimate messages from people and companies with their own domains, that are not publishing DMARC and SPF records. Surely everyone (and by everyone I mean Google) is rejecting their mail? How do they not realize this?

Then I noticed that one of them was received *from* gmail, so their mail probably works fine so long as they only mail gmail users. But another was via Yahoo, so that doesn't track.

Has anyone called it the Department Of Government Enshittification yet?

#DOGE #USpol

who called it Adobe’s Generative AI and not Photoslop?


Also constantly annoyed by analysis that assumes the tech works as promised or will work as promised. The fact that it is unreliable and nondeterministic needs to be factored into any analysis you do. But people don’t do that because the resulting conclusion is GRIM as hell

LLMs add volatility and unpredictability to every system they touch, which makes those systems impossible to manage. An economy with pervasive LLM automation is an economy in constant chaos

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Keep hearing reports of guys trusting ChatGPT’s output over experts or even actual documentation. Honestly feels like the AI Bubble’s hold over society has strengthened considerably over the past three months

This also highlights my annoyance with everybody who’s claiming that this tech will be great if every uses it responsibly. Nobody’s using it responsibly. Even the people who think they are already trust the tech much more than it warrants

are YOU a good enough artist to attempt to draw a square

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Han anklagas för att vara ett säkerhetshot. Men trots att arbetsgivarens polisanmälan inte ledde någonstans har Erik Helgeson nu fått sparken från sin arbetsplats sedan 20 år tillbaka.

Ukpol, rant 

The Labour Party being Tory-like was inevitable when Corbyn was forced out. Never forget that the establishment did EVERYTHING they could to smear someone who had most energised left wing politics in years and bent over backwards to people like Farage.

Hey any other or people take birth control pills while of estrogen based ? What was it like? Were there bad side effects? Im thinking it might help with my bad symptoms. I dont think my doc would go for it but maybe if i have some other peoples experiences to back me up.

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