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“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.”
~ Terry Pratchett


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Please friends, who are still on, if nothing else call you admin and moderators in on this kind of behavior.

It's a pattern. It's been called out by outside people, but if you don't try to change anything on the inside nothing will change.

I suspect more suspensions are going up soon, and all contact will be severed.

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Hi Internet! I'm Drew and THIS IS MY FACE.

If this GIF has ever brought you joy in the past, I humbly ask you to consider making a donation to the National MS Society. It would mean a lot to me and to those I know affected by the disease!

Donate at

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- brave's ceo is a transphobe
- brave ceo is antivax and antimask
- brave does some sketchy shit with their browser and with their crypto nonsense
- it's still chromium, contributing to Google's browser engine monopoly


Kinda finalizing, removing the litter box that Bellatrix tended to use when she couldn't get up the stairs to the main litter box.

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These robot cars are starting to kill people.

SFGate: Injured person reportedly dies after Cruise cars block first responders >>>

"Two autonomous Cruise vehicles and an empty San Francisco police vehicle were blocking the only exits from the scene... forcing the ambulance to wait while first responders attempted to manually move the Cruise vehicles..."

"The pedestrian later died of their injuries... linked to the delay in getting them to the hospital."


Contacted the PDSA about how to go about putting Bellatrix to sleep. Tried calling but since I don't think it's an emergency, they are closed to non-emergency calls.
Going to try and make her last few days as enjoyable and luxurious as we can.

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Not so random reminder to WASH YOUR WATER BOTTLE

Check the o ring, wash the straw, wash the little mouth piece if you have one. Don't get sick! Don't drink mold!

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Tonight I got interlaced frames fully working in my NTSC/CRT emulation, as well as added timings for the SNES' 512-pixel-wide display mode, which wasn't used for many games (most notably, Secret of Mana and its sequel's menus).

These higher resolution modes weren't used very often, in part because the color resolution on NTSC was low enough that there's TONS of fringing on narrow things like text (the stuff you usually are using a higher resolution for)

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So I figured I'd share them on my DeviantArt, so that others can use them if they wish... and people have actually been liking them :)
I feel good.
That's where they are if anyone is interested.

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So pretty much all of Wednesday was spent colorizing 26 different half-page 'handouts'.
I didn't even think about which ones I'm likely to use, I just OCD'd into finishing the lot. Granted, around 30 mins per image on average... 13 hours... but I did them :)
Then it kinda sunk in, wondering how much time I might have 'wasted' (this is relative, since I'm disabled so stay at home a lot).

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So, for the finale of my campaign, I'm sending the PCs into my version of 's tomb, so I thought that I could get inspiration and nice 'handouts' by taking the ones from the actual box.
Then I thought it'd be nice if I colorized them to increase clarity and stuff.

She's prescribed some Rheumocam, so it's most likely an inflammation thing.
Doesn't surprise me as we think she might be a little arthritic anyway.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!