which one is better. discuss.

@gum 100% agree... It feels like there's something missing but I can't pin point it exactly... New Leaf felt more interactive too tbh

married iguana mention 

I'm mad at him but I'm also like no... my token stoner cisman who actually treated me like a dude who would smoke me up w his fancy dab rig... who's gonna dab me up and dab me up at parties now 😭

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my cisboy bff and i are no longer besties btw. he broke my girl's bestie's heart 👿👿👿

i don't mean to body shame but if i ever had to date a hairless man thats under 200 pounds inthink I would be sick

after my girlfriend left me at work this morning this man started asking me for help and calling me pet names but the worst part about it all was he had the biggest booger hanging out of his nose and onto his mustache I could not even look at him without wanting to hurl

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!