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i miss when everything in my computer looked like it was made out of chrome and glass

now everything is just flat pieces of paper eugh

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moving to msn messenger as my sole means of communication from now on,

oh thank fuck i left the psu unplugged for a while and it booted again

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i really fucking hope i don't have to rma this board too. i don't think it's even on warranty anymore

i hate this. turn off your computer just give one night and then the next just no signs of life at all

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my desktop won't boot again, just like last time when i had to rma the motherboard...

is it time to fork mastodon into an actual managed project yet

dreams - 

had a dream my childhood house was being broken into and things being stolen while i was in it and there was nothing i could do about it

woke up in a cold sweat

hey if anyone gets stuffplug 3 running on the patched wlm8.5 from escargot let me know what you did cause to me it installs but doesn't add anything to wlm

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!