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instance block and privacy update, having been identified as the only known instance to promote exploiting the highly discussed bug, is now blocked from federating with

We hope that this is the only such instance, but we welcome and will investigate any further reports.

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just replaced the inverter board on my old toshiba laptop

but the lcd screen seems dead

most likely the internal vga cable, which i'll never be able to replace


want to make so many things better for so many people but i'm powerless

mh -, advice ok but be gentle 

i swear im trying to be a better person

im sorry im not

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mh -, advice ok but be gentle 

sometimes i literally start hyperventilating and crying the moment these thoughts pop into my head

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mh -, advice ok but be gentle 

i want to get better. i want to not have to mute so many people out of envy. but it hurts so much and i don't know how to fix it

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mh -, advice ok but be gentle 

i don't know how to fix this on my own.

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mh -, advice ok but be gentle 

i wish i didn't have such a visceral depressive reaction to just thinking about certain people because i know it's irrational and they haven't done anything against me and i'm just envious of them and i feel guilty about it and it makes me distance myself from half the fediverse

check that your maple has the official maple seal of quality, accept no substitutes


why does this train smell of curry..

PS: you don't have to use a real email address to sign up for escargot! you can make up any fake email you want, the domain doesn't even need to have a real tld!

however whatever you use as email address IS what people will add you by

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!