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also before anyone says i'm not against anti-capitalism

i despise capitalism

it's just that the mastodon instance dedicated to it has too many rotten eggs

acp drama, personal take 

plus, i already found a lot of your users toxic for a long time anyway, so 🤷

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acp drama 

if you don't see what happened as harassment, i cannot trust ANY of your mods to keep harassment off of the fediverse. So your instance gets blocked.

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acp drama 

someone tell corentin I'm not just taking Ginny's word as "pure truth"

here's my reasoning for blocking acp:
- one of your then moderators did a seriously horrible thing (this is not word of mouth, this is ACTUAL RECORDED EVIDENCE)
- ACP didn't give a shit about it, didn't take them down from staff, they "voluntarily stepped down"
- your "apology note" says you don't view it as harassment

view on blocking instances 

if you don't like that computer fairies blocks such and such instance, go to another instance that doesn't block them.

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view on blocking instances 

i don't block users or instances to make an example out of them.

i don't make announcements about it to publicly shame them.

i'm just trying to make clear who i don't want in my house.

beep beep, it's the squirrelbus

ready to take you to squirrel school

give squirrelbun girls cookies

oh and also hugs

give squirrelbun girls hugs too

OH okay nvm it was that adblocker + anti-adblocker-killer bug and

somehow the anti-adblock-killer got reenabled?

anyway it causes direct image links not to load in firefox.

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i can't load computerfairies' S3 files directly (url bar)

but they load in pages



why's a domain block not suspending all users from that domain ?

fediverse drama, acp 

okay lmao acp is straight up harrassing people and lying about it now?

i'm gonna think about this for a while but i think it's time for computer fairies to suspend acp for good this time

more people have boosted the print debug toot than the general mibi toot 😂

oh and another interesting tidbit:

out of all general mibi purchases, 2 of them haven't downloaded it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!