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trans facebook groups either die a small-knit hero or live long enough to become thousand-member transmisogynistic cesspool villains

Took a long walk because I was early to my lab appt and now my legs r sore


I am depressed and exhausted as fuck and I genuinely dread getting up in the morning to go to school

The alarm clock is like a punch to the chest every fucking time and I hate being alive rn

is there any battery monitor panel plugins for xfce that are not so freaking tiny with bad contrast

cw angry angry angry, allistic bullshit 

Allistic adults who can't give proper instructions and get angry when asked for clarification don't deserve happiness or any sort of stability in their lives and deserve nothing but decades of suffering and pain

we can already hide images not marked sensitive by marking it sensitive by ourselves. it's not persistent but at least it's there

so why can't we do that with text toots as well?

though what i wanted when i wrote that post was an ability to just mute specific toots from your timeline entirely

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it might've been freedombox, of course I search for half an hour and cant find it but as soon as I toot about it THEN I find it

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hey I vaguely remember somebody making a toot here about a debian pure blend meant for a home server with HTTP GUI control out of the box

I can't find anything searching around and I can't find the toot, does anybody know wtf i'm vaguely remembering

whoops nvm touchpad works now, something didn't load on boot but a reboot solved it

I was scared there for a minute

*sigh* tap to click stopped working in centos and never worked in sparkylinux

I might have to move back to windows 10...

homelessness, but pls read if u can 

hi is anyone here in san jose? I have a friend who is currently sleeping in the streets. The shelter she was staying at just put some new rule in place that you have to be a student or working or looking for work, so she got kicked out.

Please contact me ASAP if you or someone you know has any spare room.

whoops car went into the ditch

got a cheap tow, seems like no damage.

This country has never been a nation of laws.
Black People been told y'all this country is a farce.

Dysphoria, despair, misgendering 

Hahahaha I did not need this today

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!