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i wanna snooze in a pile of kobolds

just all flopped over each other

lil snoozin lizer pile

So the thing I WANT to draw are a couple of really bitter comics about kid's story tropes. My hand is too cramped to actually draw it so it's just the framework

retoot to pet the cat
ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ ๏ผฟ๏ผฟ
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ใ€€| (๏ฟฃใƒฝ๏ผฟ_ใƒฝ_)__)

there is a startlingly small amount of emus in the emulation community

i remember @troubleMoney helping me track down some obscure bug and some other fun interactions but my ability to remember name/avatar combinations is really shit and that's why I always gravitate back to FB from here and twitter

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can i be honest

the reason i didnt come back to mastodon despite wanting to was i couldn't remember who the fuck anyone was and i feel bad about that

the fact a trans person is trans is only important if they want it to be

../|/| i'd awoo for
< , ,\ you, you're
/ โ€พโ€พ\ very cute...

Friends don't let friends use JBIG2 compression on archival documents, unless they want their friends' scans to look like ransom notes.

I have actually done this

โ€œThe secret to getting off of calls you don't want to be on is to hang up in the middle of your own sentence. Only a maniac would hang up on themselves, so you must have gotten disconnected.โ€

dishwashing tip, #lifehack 

- put your dirty dishes in a box
- leave the box on the curb
- watch over the box. when someone comes to take it, trail them to their house
- surveil them until you determine that they have washed the dishes
- break into the house and retrieve your dishes

fuck winnipeg so hard

fuckin jets fans get to take over downtown for hours but pride gets what might as well be a back lane given the lack of visibility

i hate this fucking city so much

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!