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@Moosader My favorite handheld is the Powkiddy V90 because you can install a custom firmware and make your own apps and you can install a chuck load of emulators and source ports on it :D. I also heard the Ambernic ones are really good but the Powkiddy one is cheaper and it has a funny name (LOL)

@Moosader IKR! XD former SL peep here. The same people later made an SL sucessor but with VR. Never tried it because I don't have a VR headset.

Does anybody know how to bridge Mastodon and Twitter? I don't feel like using Twitter anymore but I still have peeps in there.

@persi Ĉu vi elsendas?! :O Mi ankaŭ! Ĉu videoludojn? mi elsendas videoludojn de Stadia en Youtube :). Ankaŭ mi estas uzanto de Linukso. Mi nur uzas Vindozon por ludi kelkajn ludojn kiujn ne funkcias en Linukso.

TeaDuckie boosted

📅 Only one week left to show our love for #FreeSoftware on the #ilovefs day.

Take a look at this year's celebration, and join us in the great activities that we have for you:

@persi Mi fakte preferas Mastodon ol Twitter :). Kiel vi tajpas la cxapel-literojn? (En Vindozo cxar en Linukso mi havas esperantan klavaron)

@kernpanik OMG He is so cute!!! ^^. Now that I have a cat I find all cats adorable! <3

I'm a computer chip collector (Specially sound chips and 8bit processors) am I weird? XD

Hello, I'd like to make a Mastodon account for my blog on this instance but I've seen registrations are closed for the moment. May I get an invitation link, please? Thank you!

TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted

Ĉu vi ŝatas #Duolingo? Kion vi opinius, se mi rakontas al vi, ke ekzistas projekto por fari io simila? Ĉio sub libera permesilo #GPLv3 kaj sia enhavo sub publikaĵo. Temas pri #LibreLingo.

@stultulo Mi malkovris Manyverse pere de vi kaj mi juŝ instalis ĝin :)

Feeling ugly, selfie אַ שיינעם דאַנק :)

gender filters, selfie, eye contact-ish Looking like a snack, gurl! D'awwwww!!!! My favourite animal in the whole world!!!

TeaDuckie boosted

A time traveller from the 2000's visits a modern software company

traveller: all your laptops have 32 GB of RAM in them?! Your devs must be doing some really heavy stuff, what the hell do they need all that memory for?

guide: web browsing.

traveller: fukken wat mate?

Unrequited love 

@fuzzylynx It’s happening to me and I honestly don’t know what to do.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!