
Clarke's Third Law states that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

I'd argue we've got to that point now and so instead of "person who knows a bit about tech" I am in fact a witch

I mean, dusty tomes of forgotten lore? man pages

eldritch abominations that must be placated? social media algorithms


actually thinking about it this is far more warlock-y

@InspectorCaracal @troubleMoney hello, I am a professional wizard.

I might be able talk my boss into providing me with business cards that says "wizard", or at least "software wizard".

@zatnosk @troubleMoney i am a sorcerer

behold, my sorcerous code

*waves some software in your face*

@troubleMoney I was gonna act all offended cause I'm a practising Wiccan but you're not even wrong. :cyberheart::qtwitchhat:

@troubleMoney i make my own friends out of raspi and lego and sometimes the successful builds fly, so I hold that I have familiars and am thus a witch.

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