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Problems with ProjectEUNOMIA

1) sinister as fuck name, irrelevant to discussions but it wouldn't have hurt them to call it Project Fluffy Bunnies or something

2) anything they build will just move the problem from people blindly believing anything they read to people blindly believing anything they read that has a green checkmark or whatever next to it which doesn't solve the original problem

3) obvious abuse potential of anything they build

possibly neat wearable tech idea: a signet ring for the modern era

openpgp card implementation built into a ring

maybe with an engraving as well if you want to get out some sealing wax and have a key signing party like it's 1799

terrible pun 

I once came across a bottle of satan's own egg and brandy liqueur

it was the devil's advocaat

for context, this Project EUNOMIA thing

which is an incredibly sinister name if you think about it regardless of any links to anything

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Did Eugen not notice the amount of stick we gave gibson for merely talking to the cops or did he think collaborating on a research project carried out on behalf of a government by a firm that's previously done projects with the UK MoD is a completely different thing?

just imagine, all the communist furries in one big uwunion


You're *all* cute.

None of you are free of adorableness.

I've just come across this thing, the GPD Micro

It's a tiny laptop (6 inch)

More to the point it's a tiny laptop with gigabit ethernet AND RS-232 ports!

may I propose a new ace flag

explanations as to why will be provided on request

And now the shipping forecast. Wincest: moderate, with Destiel later. Spirk: good. Thorki: good. Sterek: moderate. Stucky: Northwesterly 5-7. Johnlock: moderate or good.

One of our hedgehogs has apparently heard of the trashtag challenge and has decided to help out

I want a Star Trek TV show that just follows a group of vulcans on a primarily human R&D station along the lines of that tumblr thread on humans as deranged hyper-neophiles

Okay, I usually don't post april fools things that people have done but these are actually a bit funny

H. Moser et Cie announcing the Venturer Concept Vantablack, the first watch to feature both dial and hands in vantablack

And Seiko announcing a new "Senbei dial" Presage

"but sam! my code is so clean and beautiful it doesn't need comments!"


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next time I go to see what some bit of hardware/software is doing and there's no documentation I shall be most miffed

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!