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med, grr 

grr, I keep getting bit by bugs of some description and the only antihistamine we've got in the house is chlorphenamine maleate, which I can't take

all itchy and annoyed

the current popular incarnation of steampunk is like if cyberpunk were about being Jeff Bezos

The reason NASA keep all the moon rocks they took so secure is because they're incontrovertible evidence that the moon is in fact made of cheese

My favourite fact about Canada is that in the 70's a radio show had a competition for a national simile along the lines of "as american as apple pie" and the winning entry was "as canadian as possible under the circumstances"

gun adjacent 

obviously change the big boomy thing for a big paintball thingy

why yes, I will help you paint your house :blobgrin:

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gun adjacent 

I want an FV721 Fox to drive around in

It's like a little tiny mini tank!

It's so cute!

Any time there's an order for one of these wonderful pins I walk 300m to and from the nearest post box to send them off

DM @maple to order one today and make me get some of the exercise that I could really do with

Been seeing signs about calling for a stop to 5G due to "health reasons"

I really wonder what they think 5G is

welcome to mastodon; twitter's new service status page

The UK Woodland Trust are offering free trees for schools and community organisations

They're currently receiving applications for packs of trees to be delivered in November this year

To be eligible you need to be a non-profit group and the trees must be on land with public access

So if you're wanting to plant a bunch of trees somewhere it might be worth a look

rolling up and combining sheep like baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa katamari dasheepy

pearl and dean theme 

ba ba, ba ba, ba ba, ba ba, ba ba ba, ba ba, ba ba, ba ba, ba baaaaaa, BA!

with all this talk about defederating people, us here at just recently got to 5 pages' worth of domain blocks!

yay! or boo! depending on your point of view about it being good that we've blocked all those dickheads or bad that we've had to!

Proposing HTTP status code 470 - "Unavailable for Horrible People" for use when denying access to clients indicating that they're horrible people (e.g. those with a gab user agent)

Two wolves, both alike in dignity, inside your person, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil paws unclean.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!