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It's probably going to sell a lot better than their last foray into novel strap systems which is this ridiculous thing they must have put together in a panic when they heard the sales figures from the apple iwatch or whatever

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Ooh, this is neat, new thing from Sinn, the DuoFlex diving strap system

Has tool-less quick change for straps of different colours/lengths and quick microadjust for the length

Here's the product info sheet for it:

jumping ship from is a good and nice instance

we've got bbcode and a draw stuff boxy thing and an adorable robot overlady whomst keep everyone safe

the canadian mint makes a coin called the gold maple and I'm very disappointed it doesn't have @maple 's face on it

I'm either completely oblivious (likely) or we're doing a really good job here moderation-wise because I have no idea what's going on

the less glamorous side of running a hedgehog cafe 

plastic flooring was probably the best decision I ever made in regards to the cafe

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the less glamorous side of running a hedgehog cafe 

hedgehog shit, woodlouse shit, and what I can only assume is slug shit

I think it's time we blow this scene
Get everybody and the stuff together
Ok, three, two, one, let's JORT!

I know we all ragged on Iron Maiden for forcing Ion Fury to change the name but in hindsight that was probably a good idea

Fediverse surveillance instance: Fedichive 

There is a new instance¹ that tries to archive the whole Fediverse² and they plan to make a full text search available to everyone. I recommend you block their IPs.

What they are doing is illegal by the way, at least when it concerns EU citizens.


#FediAdmin #PleroAdmin #MastoAdmin

it's called "cursive" because it makes @envgen yell "WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK IS THIS RIDICULOUS SHIT?!"

well, this is unexpected, turns out Stone Cold Steve Austin and I share some favourites as far as watches are concerned

Here he is on Hot Ones wearing a Sinn U1 SDR

Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!
Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!

probable spoilers for Last Christmas (2019) 

assuming I'm right, this has to be the most telegraphed twist in the history of film

girl, who almost died, keeps accidentally meeting boy who helps turn her life around at christmas

film is called last christmas, advertised with featuring the music of george michael

boy is going to turn out to be the ghost of the girl's heart donor, I guaran-fucking-tee it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!