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our neighbours spotted 5 hedgehogs all at the same time in our garden!


πŸ¦” πŸ¦” πŸ¦” πŸ¦” πŸ¦”

Azathoth runs a jazz night at a local club and would love for you to come down and check it out

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headcanon: lovecraft's ridiculous xenophobia coloured all his descriptions of the old ones

they're actually pretty chill

c'thulhu bakes cookies for the neighbourhood, dagon enjoys fishing, and hastur crochets little hats for all the little shoggoths

imagine going to the past and saying "in 2020 the biggest video game will hinge upon selling turnips"

see, this is the kind of top-tier Carry On/Computing crossover content you just don't get anywhere else on the internet

voice from the back: thank god for that


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Julius Caesar complaining about all his small SSDs crashing: NVMe! NVMe! They've all got it in for me!

really miffed that they turned off all the analog TV signals 'round here

'cause you can buy these mobile phones with built-in TV for cheap from aliexpress and while I'm sure they're terrible I still kinda want to be able to just whip out me phone and turn the telly on

I wonder if oil producers do home delivery

Like, I have no idea what I'd do with a couple of barrels of crude oil but if they're gonna pay me to take them I'll find some use for it


y'know what I'm craving right now?

fuckin pickled onion flavour monster munch

in which a european is confused by yanks 

I just saw a video about how USAians are confused by Aldi

Do... do you people not know how to pack bags yourselves? The person said about a job role called a "bagger" who packs grocery bags at the end of checkouts and that's like, all they do

That's not a real thing right?

And apparently US checkout staff aren't allowed to use chairs? What shit is that? That can't be right?

who needs animal crossing when you've got

we got:
like a huge number of bunnies

entomologists, anyone know what this friend is?

spotted in south west england, wingspan of about 5ish cm

"I wanna play a lawful good drow"

🎢 breaking the lore, breaking the lore
breaking the lore, breaking the lore
breaking the lore, breaking the lore
breaking the lore, breaking the loooooorrrreee 🎢

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!