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april fools day thoughts 

it used to be that april fools day jokes were only acceptable before noon on the 1st

of course now we have worldwide communcations systems which mean it goes on ALL FUCKING DAY


so i learned about flemish giant rabbits and

XL bunny......


The Speaker of the House of Commons has suspended proceedings pending the counting of the indicative vote ballots

But nobody's collected the mace from the middle of the room, and by tradition the mace is only there while parliament is in session

So the tories are now trying to raise points of order to an empty chair

we've decided to call the hedgehog that came last night "Tocks"

because they've got a load of ticks on them bless 'em

since a cat was eating the food we put out for the hedgies I made a little porch type thingy that the cat shouldn't be able to get through

We've also got this fuzzy bastard of a cat that managed to squeeze in to the hedgie cafe so we're going to have to work something else out for the entrance

brexit petition, uk gov 

Well, the UK government has responded to the petition

In a large number of words that are summed up by "nah"

Didn't expect anything different but still, fuck you too UK government

watch nerdery 

Do you have fucking massive wrists?
Do you really like the films Commando, The Predator, Running Man, Raw Deal, and/or Twins?

If you answered yes to either of those questions you might want to look at Seiko's reissue of the watch Arnold Schwarzenegger wore in those films, the Seiko "Arnie"

Standard model is the SNJ025P1 and runs around Β£420

γ‚Šγ™ + γ†γ•γŽ + きかい
squirrel + rabbit + machine
(pronounced "risusagikai")

official octopus legal advice* on running a fediverse instance with the introduction of the new EU legislation stuff:

Be gay
Do crimes

*octopus is in no way a legal professional. also not a professional and the jury's still out on the "legal" bit

most evil thing imaginable 

export EDITOR=rm


I think

All indications point to it being active but given it's one of those "wildlife/hunting camera" things there's not much to give it away that it's on

We'll find out tomorrow

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!