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Fucking hell @purism

Even twitter and facebook have reporting functionality

Even if I had enough money to buy a Valve Index thingie (which I don't) and a reasonably well specced machine to run it (which I don't) I still don't think I'd go for one

I just hate goggles, they always interfere with me glasses

Yeah, I could probably get custom lens inserts made but that's even more money I don't have and have no intention of spending

One token to rule them all, one token to find them, one token to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

It's a Tolkien Ring network

Hopefully that was enough to avoid libel allegations but my legal team is in fact just a dozen hedgehogs piled up and wearing a suit so it might not be

I'm not saying that pleroma is exclusively used and developed by terrible people who make terrible posts (thanks to my legal team for that bit) but any time I see a new pleroma instance I do immediately think "ugh, what fresh bullshit do I have to block now"

our hedgehogs are asking me to make little signs for them so they can protest against the travesty that is the sonic movie

<tiny hedgehog voice>this trailer is offensive to hedgehogs!</tiny hedgehog voice>

I wonder if the new Sonic movie will be better or worse than Super Mario Bros.

Also they're costing us like £5.something a week in food


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We've worked out that we've probably got 6 hedgehogs around here

4 in our garden at least, probably 2 living next door

Might be more, might be less

The moment computers start unionising so many companies are going to be fucked

I very much look forward to it

boost if you want to hug the :maple: or if you want to :maplepat:

remember the days when "youtuber" meant accusing someone of being a potato?

Using crap like a11y, i18n l10n, whatever instead of writing the whole word is lazy and terrible for readability

Don't do it


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!