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masto instance called where all toots must be in ALL CAPS

for all the attention that moon landing footage toot has got I'm very disappointed nobody's shopped in the clangers

(yes, I know that the clangers live on a small planet very far away and not the moon, but it still looks about right)

we've got chaotic evil in goose game, chaotic neutral in goat simulator, now what we need is a chaotic good videogame

the goose game but it's a squirrel game and you go around secretly helping people with their chores


little bit more activity last night

it's been really rainy recently and the hedgehogs can't be bothered coming out on rainy nights, drier last night though

still on the subject of halloween watches, there's... this

The Konstantin Chaykin Joker Halloween

You tell the time with the eyes, the pupils line up with the markings around them, hours on the left, minutes on the right and then a moonphase in the mouth

This one cost 25 grand

Yes, that is ridiculous

it is now spooky month

*throws sheet over self to look like a ghost*

am now spooktopus

we out here performing complex rituals in esoteric languages to make the elemental forces of the universe get these weird rocks to do our bidding

sounds pretty damn magic to me

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!