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musings on shitty racist comic strip artist 

in retrospect we really should have seen scott adams' shittiness years ago, considering that, in 1996, this was how he responded to criticisms about his comic's sexist and stereotypical portrayal of women

incidentally, said iMac was named Aegir independently of a certain Ferdinand von Aegir, but when I noticed I hadn't changed its hard disk icon yet, I finally buckled.

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Finally received the keyboard and mouse that originally went to my used 2009 iMac. And decided to rename them. As ya do.

Hello. I'm the ketchup. Did you know that there's more sugar in me than in ice cream? It's a fact!

Timely reminder that Windows still lets you rename the Recycle Bin to whatever you want.

I had always wondered if this image, of the space man sitting at a drafting table, was based on any existing paintings or drawings, perhaps from a cover of a science fiction novel, so I happened to look in the rather exhaustively detailed, 25+ page manual that comes with it. It did not answer that question, but it does answer what the deal is with that caption - complete with biblical citations.

This goes on for about 5 pages in itself.

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One of the most fascinating rabbit holes I've ever witnessed in PC Shareware: for several versions (until 5.x), the MS-DOS screensaver program, DAZZLE, would display this image - and its somewhat cryptic caption - upon exiting the program. Where'd it come from? What does it mean?

suck it, Apple, I can make my modern Mac run 16- and 32-bit apps and you can't stop me

(because I'm running Windows on it instead)

Possibly the only 3DO game that is SO compulsorily multiplayer that it includes a free (awful) controller. Also, one of the biggest boxes I've got, excepting some of the PC stuff. Look how it's dwarfing the Solitaires Journey next to it.

Crank up the Barry Leitch soundtrack, because only Amiga makes this possible.

If your phone does not dial correctly, shake it violently and try again.

Have a jolly head-banging British golfer for your weekend.

A reminder to engage in self care. No matter how hard things are, you deserve to love yourself.

Is it time for me to once again fail to make a concentrated effort to use Mastodon more often? I don't know. Here's a screen of what solitaire looks like with 32 decks, thanks to

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!