And the delicate process of installing Palm OS software.
In an effort to find more things to post on here: this might just be Card Game Hell. Nothing but Crazy Eights and the soothing dulcet tones of...Gilbert Gottfried.
I sort of wonder if the people that design these games really care about the games or if they're just out to put the most ridiculous product packaging they can in the toy aisle.
Word processor screen contains swear words.
This thing will get me more interested in writing things. Distraction-free word processing. Of course, I had to break it in, the most internetty way I could...
These seem like either the best things for sibling rivals for a Christmas present, or the instrument of the undoing of all reality at the hands of said rivals.
Combining Sports Game Hell with Loot Box Hell actually seems like a smart business move
29. A Game You Were Surprised You Liked - You'd hardly believe it by how I feel about it now, but the Yakuza series. I'd owned the first game not long after release, but couldn't really cope with the load times and the general awkwardness of its translation. I randomly found Yakuza 2 on sale at a Hollywood Video that was closing down, and decided I'd give the series a second try. Somehow, it wound up being the best PS2 game I'd ever played. So, I give it "Most Improved."
18. Favorite Protagonist - To avoid stealing the answer from question 2, here's a ridiculous cop-out of an answer: "Robin" in FE:Awakening. I have a thing for customizable heroes. My Robin might have said and done the same things that everybody else's Robin did, but THIS one had squinty eyes and a crew cut.
15. Post A Screenshot From The Game You're Playing Right Now: "Hi, I'm GLOOey McGLOOface!" (Prey 2017)
14. Current video game wallpaper: I took a map of Symphony of the Night and did things to it. Great for 1080p panels.
5. Game Character You Feel Most Like - Gonna have to go with Tex Murphy on this one. He's serious when he wants to be, but is a total goofball on most other occasions. Keen eye for clues and evidence, but can't resist making jokes about them. Bit of a bumbling fool at times, has a tendency of walking into traps, but overall the kind of person you'd want on your side.
3. A game that's underrated - I don't think enough people play pinball games anymore. Much as I dislike the pricing scheme of it, The Pinball Arcade is a great way to get into it. Or any of the 21st Century Entertainment pinballs, really. They're cheap as hell on GOG.
2. Favorite Character - God there's just so many to pick from. My current pick though would have to be Kazuma Kiryu, who despite all the ass-kicking, is actually a really good role model. He fights for the people who can't fight. He often dispenses very helpful advice to people who swear they'll stop trying to scam people. Generally, he looks scary as hell, but he's a man to look up to.
I feel like clogging up a feed that isn't twitter with this. Doesn't matter how many likes I get though, I wanna do the whole list in a format that gives me more room to write about each answer.
Semi-scantily clad magazine model within.
This magazine is really blatantly titled when you think about it.
The Enrichment Center would like to remind you that Sports Game Hell is a real place.
Quick and dirty 3D W to see what this drawing thing is all about
My phone doesn't quite get those "squintmojis" right
He/him. Puzzle-Adventure Hybrid with RPG Elements. Supports 3D Acceleration. He Is Essentially What He Believes. Just in case, π, LGBTQ+ π, DOS π, ππ©π.
Avatar by @mavica_again