Touch Solitaire, a DSiWare game from Nintendo, saves your play statistics in an interesting way: by changing the animated game icon on your Home screen.
#solitaire #DSiWare
the tasks that matter:
- unloading dishwasher? β
- rolling trash bins back to the house? β
- digging out all of my music CDs and compiling an action playlist for my OG Xbox, track by track? β
bonus points if you know exactly which songs some of these are since i labeled them very lazily (lack of USB keyboard port really hurts here)
Winning a hand of "Fortune's Foundation" in the Zachtronics Solitaire Collection will give you a fortune based on the last Major Arcana card that got sent to the piles.
This particular one comes at a time when I've been seriously thinking about taking a long vacation to Do Nothing. Y'know... it has a point.
This is the TechnΕs Building, in Beaverton, Oregon. In the 90s it was the headquarters of American Technos, the US branch of the Japanese publisher known for Double Dragon and River City Ransom. They closed in the late 90s, and their building is now a disability care office - but their logo remains, to this day.
He/him. Puzzle-Adventure Hybrid with RPG Elements. Supports 3D Acceleration. He Is Essentially What He Believes. Just in case, π, LGBTQ+ π, DOS π, ππ©π.
Avatar by @mavica_again