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I added a Links section to Golfshrine. ...I'm not sure that it's quite what the audience expects to find in a Links section. πŸ˜…β€‹

browser, fuck off and let me look at my bookmarks toolbar, i do not want numbers, i want results The much-delayed PRGE 2024 edition of the Golfshrine Acquisitions Update! Got a couple of especially interesting and long-needed additions to the Shrine this time around, so check it out - do it for Schmoe. Don't make Schmoe sad. 😦

If you'd like these wallpapers for your own similar setup, here are the files, for 1080x1920 and 1920x1200 respectively.

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Even if it's always going to be covered by application windows, it's always nice to put my own photographs on my desktop wallpaper. These came out really nice. At least I'll always glimpse them when I'm logging in to the machine in the morning.

I'd like to think that UFO 50's "LX" computer exists in the same parallel reality as Last Call BBS's "Powerlance." Both of them appear to have taken design cues after Sony's HIT-BIT line of MSX computers. - on top of some readability changes (that you might have to clear your cache for... πŸ€” ), today's Golfshrine update contains 3 acquisitions, one duplicate, several new friends, and one capybara.

funny how life runs in themes sometimes. family acquaintances from church are getting rid of clothes that are too big for them, so now I own a polo shirt from the Torrey Pines golf course.

i learned this the same day i was goofing around in a golf sim in which Torrey Pines is an included course.

life, man. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

A lot of years ago, I took on an art study project where I traced over low-resolution screenshots of old games to see if I could "find" the detail in them. I never quite finished this one but I wanted to fill the bookshelf with as many silly things as possible. Some of it I slightly regret putting in there.

I installed Emudeck today. For completely normal reasons.

Good: Links LS runs on my Toshiba Libretto!
Bad: Links LS requires a screen res of 800x600, and the Libretto only does 640x480. So all the UI (swing meter and all) is pushed off screen where I can't see to click on it.

Got this neat guy for 5 USD at a Goodwill - they'd put it out in the Toys section. It's a Phillips Nino 500, running Windows CE 2.11, from 1999. Amazingly it still boots as soon as I've got batteries in it, and even communicates with my other WinCE device, but its lack of Windows Explorer makes installing software very difficult, as it can't show me the contents of internal storage or of the inserted CF card. I need to figure out how to Active Sync it - which means finding a cable that works. 😞

Today's Golfshrine update includes multiple games that borrow the names of other games in Golfshrine, one frustrated rant about the software marketing practices of yesteryear, and the fascinating GameTrak! - A bit light of an acquisitions update this time around, but I did also create a new Golfer for the Golfer's Gallery (linked within).

Menu board? Specifically one of these kind, with cling letters. Sure, I'd probably have to buy extra letters, but god, I want this kind of sign to make it say dumb stuff all the time. Pointless statistics. Fees for absurd requests. Days since last party wipe.

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Soda machine? Well, specifically one that dispenses cans. Not terribly concerned over the exact style, but would lean towards retro if I had a choice. 70s or 80s-style. Wouldn't even mind if I had to have quarters handy for it.

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It's such an unusual experience to get to play in a famous painting. But that's exactly what this game is about: Loyal H. "Bud" Chapman's Infamous 18, a PC golf sim from 2006 that aims to replicate the dream courses painted by Bud Chapman in the early 1980s. Just added to the Golfshrine inventory yesterday, and the main subject of today's acquisitions update!

By all of that, I can make an informed assumption about what the 3DO Content Library really is: a ready-made compilation of existing libraries of assets, images, sounds, music, and video clips, provided by the 3DO Company to its licensed developers. Perhaps its container formats are specifically formats already meant for use with the 3DO hardware, to remove the need for conversion?

Such a collection existing would certainly explain a lot about some 3DO games' aesthetics. Videos and all.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!