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Presently downloading and installing Adobe Creative Suite 2 on this 2004 iBook G4. For reasons.

It has taken multiple hours.

this stats screen on After Dark Solitaire is a pretty accurate representation of how the last year of my life has gone

Rogue: The Solitaire-Like! I wrote this set of rules for a dungeon-crawling Rogue-like using only a deck of playing cards, some years ago, never fully finishing it. Today I've decided to publish it to itch as a prototype. Feedback (or tips?) encouraged.

the mood seems a bit down, across my various feeds today; seems like everybody could use a hug.

it's hard out there, i know. but know that somebody out there appreciates you and is rooting for you.

A couple of weeks ago I brought my Dell Mini 1012 back into service by wiping the install of Windows 7 Ultimate and putting XP Service Pack 3 on instead. Amazingly, Dell not only still had the drivers on their site, but they still had drivers for this model FOR XP. An OS this model never officially shipped with to my knowledge.

Dropping the OS a couple of tiers not only improves its compatibility with software it can actually run, but also gained it 20 more frames per second on Quake.

Double rainbow all the way across the sky.

... What? I'm hip with the times, aren't I?

Exclusive preview of an upcoming redesign of Golfshrine Online. This aims to make actual use of my web design knowledge, as well as clean it up a lot in terms of code, and make it much less of a pain to update. Also make it look more golfy.

Dad's been having fun building these nice wooden "barn quilts" in the garage. Keep telling him he should start taking commissions from the neighbors or something.

This was me, last Monday. (Or would have been, if I had a pink bunny-suit-guy buddy. I very much _did_ get my taxes done.)

thinking about the time I ordered out for lunch, and my order was signed off by "d uwu". Some absolute meme-lord works at this restaurant and I salute them.

I'm stalling on updating the Golfshrine website. These examples aren't uninteresting, and it's not like i have nothing to say about them. Just updating the website is a pain. Currently researching ways it can be made easier or more entertaining.

Maybe i should install Frontpage for Mac? Though I'd also have to struggle with how to upload the result...

I have round cards, dog bone cards, donut cards, pizza slice cards, VW Minibus cards...

...but the shaped cards I'm the happiest to own is a trio I call the Extra Value Meal. Burger, fries, and a Coke.

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Weird-shaped playing cards are fun. I must find weirder ones.

for the people who would rather see me do something productive with my online presence, here, have a Pookachu

I feel like giving my fedi-followers something exclusive today, so... here's some photographs of a tub of corn nuts.

City of Damocles - a 1-bit art commission I did for Cohost user belarius, on a 1986 Mac Plus, with a trackball and a paint program that doesn't support layers.

suffice to say, i think my guests approve of their welcoming committee

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!