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Buick. Buick. Buick. Buick.

I'd say it doesn't sound like a word anymore but that'd imply it ever did. Buick. Buick. Buick.

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this Monday evening, please enjoy this Smooth Jazz, courtesy of an MS-DOS digital Buick catalog from 1992

me, when the piece of software i need is no longer commercially available

this isn't really a Top 25 Favorites. it's more like, 25 games that would give you a general idea of Me. Not in any sort of order or anything.

Still one of my favorite photos I've ever taken: this exterior shot of the Old Spaghetti Factory on the waterfront in Portland. It was just the most perfect day.

Permit me to brag, just for a little bit - this is "The Vehicle," a highly customized SunSeeker Fat Tad tricycle with electric pedal assist, sold to me by Utah Trikes. I've since had quite a few things attached, not the least of which is my new lockable trunk, a lightweight toolbox I bought from Home Depot and attached to the cargo rack with help from my dad, for a mere $50.

As I'm not confident enough to ride two-wheelers anymore, and don't have a license, this thing is my joy and escape.

thank you, @PrintShopDeluxe , i've created something horrible and want the world to know about it. 🀣

Skimming through random midi files from years old downloads and found this one that has... lyrics.

it's an instrumental song from a video game.

anyway i just played mario paint for achievements and had auto screenshots enabled

when two robocops come together... a whole new beautiful kind of love can bloom

why i love garage sales: because i can "@jon_bois watching baseball" 1989-style on my TV VCR Combo for a mere 50 cents

I used to play a lot of flight sims when I was young. I don't anymore, much, but I love to remember the fun little features some of them had.

For example, in A-10 Cuba!, ejecting from your plane while it's still in the hangar causes your pilot to hit the ceiling, exploding into a mass of screaming white particles.

entity formerly known as Twitter 

God they're actually renaming tweetdeck now, it's xpro now or some crap. how much you wanna bet that clashes with some pay ware hex editor or CAD program

You may be bored, but are you "drew a fake screenshot of a Yahtzee clone in a fictional OS in Kid Pix on a Mac Plus" bored?

Found at a little junk shop in between towns - a money gun that can only load fake money.

I feel like there's room to call this a metaphor for our times but I'm not quite at a point to unpack that here.

If you're the type that likes to use those 88x31 buttons to link to stuff, I threw one of those together, too.

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i dunno, maybe i need a website again. it's been for damn ever. haven't the foggiest what to put on one though

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!