Rogue: The Solitaire-Like! I wrote this set of rules for a dungeon-crawling Rogue-like using only a deck of playing cards, some years ago, never fully finishing it. Today I've decided to publish it to itch as a prototype. Feedback (or tips?) encouraged.
A couple of weeks ago I brought my Dell Mini 1012 back into service by wiping the install of Windows 7 Ultimate and putting XP Service Pack 3 on instead. Amazingly, Dell not only still had the drivers on their site, but they still had drivers for this model FOR XP. An OS this model never officially shipped with to my knowledge.
Dropping the OS a couple of tiers not only improves its compatibility with software it can actually run, but also gained it 20 more frames per second on Quake.
I'm stalling on updating the Golfshrine website. These examples aren't uninteresting, and it's not like i have nothing to say about them. Just updating the website is a pain. Currently researching ways it can be made easier or more entertaining.
Maybe i should install Frontpage for Mac? Though I'd also have to struggle with how to upload the result...
I have round cards, dog bone cards, donut cards, pizza slice cards, VW Minibus cards...
...but the shaped cards I'm the happiest to own is a trio I call the Extra Value Meal. Burger, fries, and a Coke.
City of Damocles - a 1-bit art commission I did for Cohost user belarius, on a 1986 Mac Plus, with a trackball and a paint program that doesn't support layers. #art #retrotech #commission
He/him. Puzzle-Adventure Hybrid with RPG Elements. Supports 3D Acceleration. He Is Essentially What He Believes. Just in case, π, LGBTQ+ π, DOS π, ππ©π.
Avatar by @mavica_again