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I've just archived a bunch of clip art GIFs and other web graphics, complete with a HTML frontend, from one of my clip art CDs. If anyone's currently making an old-school #Website or #Homepage, feel free to have a poke around and see if there's anything you can use.

#Retro #RetroComputing

re: musings on shitty racist comic strip artist 


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re: musings on shitty racist comic strip artist 

now pardon me while i delete this comic strip from my hard drive

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musings on shitty racist comic strip artist 

in retrospect we really should have seen scott adams' shittiness years ago, considering that, in 1996, this was how he responded to criticisms about his comic's sexist and stereotypical portrayal of women

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New on the Secret Area: GameTek's last hurrah.

I cover their last game show games, which of course, are Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune on the Nintendo 64.

Likes, shares, and comments appreciated, as always.

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Very cool to see classic Mac robot coding game @chipwits is getting rebooted with one of its original creators at the helm. ChipWits was a big for its day, and a major influence on the Mac gaming scene in the 1980s. (I covered its creation in Secret History of Mac Gaming, if you want to know more.) Here's how it looked the first time around, and a link to the website to check out the new version:
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this morning i was looking for a copy of Klause Breuer's windows 95 conversion of ChipWits (a very popular programming game for the original #Macintosh), and was sorrowed to hear that he passed away ten years ago of a brain tumour ๐Ÿ˜ข

it took several hours, but I managed to dig out several of his programs, including ChipWits, from the waybackmachine. To my knowledge, none of these programs have been on the web for over a decade.

i spent the day creating a memorial for a programmer whom i did not know personally, but used his software over a decade ago. i guess i hope that people can still enjoy his work even though he has left us.

... a kind of #worldwideweb #homepage in memoriam.

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USPS informed delivery is totally a "weird dad" thing (I get to see my mail in email before it's delivered) but it is ridiculously helpful and it is free. Thanks to @thomasfuchs for the original tip-off on it. It's saved me a lot of trips to the mailbox.

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Did you know that the Independent Games Festival's main prize, the Seumas McNally Grand Prize, is named after the creator of its *second* winner? Seumas made one of the last great shareware games, Tread Marks, a 3D combat racer with deformable terrain, released in early 2000.

Seumas had been diagnosed Hodgkin Lymphoma three years earlier, aged 18. As his health declined, he defiantly made the best Breakout game ever, DX-Ball 2, with help from his family, then after meeting his hero John Carmack he dove into this more ambitious, innovative project.

He released the game on January 3rd, 2000, then accepted the IGF main prize March 10th, assisted by an oxygen tank and seated in a wheelchair. He died 11 days later. Carmack later penned a moving eulogy (see attached images).

In honour of his gamedev dream, his family continued making games under his company name, Longbow Digital Arts (now Longbow Games). They made the Hegemony RTS series and puzzle-platformer Golem.

As my own tribute to Seumas McNally's legacy, and to the brilliance of his games, I told a longer version of his story to close out my new book, Shareware Heroes: The renegades who redefined gaming at the dawn of the internet. More info on the book at
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New on Patreon: I talk about GameTek's final video games, and of course, they're Yet Another Version of game show classics Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune.

Available now for all patrons:

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"firstly happy birthday - secondly, do you enjoy video games loosely or strictly about golf, and what's your favorite one of those"

thank you! took me a while to reply to this ask because i was thinking about it and then i forgot about it. i haven't played a lot of golf games but i mostly like online multiplayer ones because they're really fun to play with my girlfriends who are all in different countries. vertiginous golf and golf with friends are two recent [...]

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If you drag an emoji family with a string size of 11 into an input with maxlength=10, one of the children will disappear.

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RT @StooCambridge
An early version of the Cannon Fodder GUI panel before we settled on the final design.

We once considered having a picture for each squaddie. Don't think there was enough memory on an unexpanded Amiga, so we canned that idea. Nice thought though.
#cannonfodder #sensiblesoftware

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!