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Game 35: Fly8 (1993), by Eyal Lebedinsky.

On one hand a fairly basic combat flight simulator with 3D wireframe graphics but also one that's loaded with features.

It has multiplayer support, replays, customizable HUDs, multiple view modes, subsystems like radar and ILS, AI opponents, smoke particle effects and even an option to hear some blues music.

All programmed for fun by a single person, who also wrote the nearly 3000 line read me file.

Very impressive work!

#msdos #games #flightsim

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I read a good line in a story that's helped me with imposter syndrome.

It said, remember that people are as a species used to living in groups of about 200, grouped around several campfires.


needs its own storyteller, its own dancer, its own musician. More than one, really.

So don't compare yourself to those who perform for millions.

Are you the person who can make people happy around your closest campfire? That's what's needed.

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I spent my first 25 minutes of SOMA trying to see if I could cram every physics object in my apartment into the shower. This is how far I got before it crashed.

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For those who want the REAL #Tetris movie, Kate Willaert has uploaded a better quality version of the BBC documentary Tetris: From Russia With Love.

It is by far the best professionally produced documentary on video games.

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In the wealthers' worldview, it doesn't count as "lazy" for themselves, because that's not what they believe they are "supposed to do."

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The implicit belief is, the poor are "supposed to" serve the wealthy, and not doing so is "being lazy."

#laziness #poverty #wealth

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What inherited wealthers mean when they say "people will get lazy" is "if people have their basic needs met, they will not do what they're 'supposed to', that is, I will have less leverage to make them serve me."

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I've written before about how "lazy" is merely a folk concept used to put down others / oneself. The underlying concrete meaning I narrowed it down to was "lazy is not doing what you're 'supposed to'."
RT @SethCotlar
The claim that โ€œgiving people things they didnโ€™t work for themselves will make them lazyโ€ sounds pretty rich coming out of the mouths of people whose inheritances allow them to hire full time cooks and housekeepers and โ€ฆ

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re; the list of โ€œour fixing of a thing is actually what broke itโ€

Ah, my favorite Yiddish word: farpotshket

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Unnecessary use of old technolgy 

Thinking about using this as my wallet again.

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Verified accounts do not exist on the fediverse. So please remember to end each post with the following disclaimer: "I verify that this post is verified by myself, who I verify to be me".

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!