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Thought you folks might enjoy my knitted portrait of John Horton Conway FRS, with Game of Life Fair Isle borders.

And my least favorite part of trying to install old versions of Windows. It's having to parse through almost 160 GB worth of hard drive.

Dwayne "The Microwave" Johnson claims to clean grease five times faster than any other microwave.

That is to say, that's an easy claim to make when no microwave is designed to clean grease at all.

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As frustrating as AI is, it's nothing compared to it being forced in your face even for things you pay for.

I've been a happy enough SwitftKey user for years, but this latest update they force a unremovable Bing icon. Of course if I click it it askes for consent to do anything which I won't give, so it's useless and just wastes space and makes me hate Microsoft even more than usual.

Wonder if there's any better Android keyboards these days (the built-in Android one is garbage) as there's no way they'll give you the option to not advertise Bing?

A coworker decided to ask the bot "Who is your manager?" And it was the only question it was able to answer straight away, by giving another employee contact card. Thing is, because of previous results, it's unclear if that is even accurate information.

And somebody decided this was useful enough to install as enterprise software to a global corporation.

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I decided to try to ask it something easier. "When is our next work holiday?"

It acts like it's typing for 5 minutes, then comes back with, "Did you mean [random employee's name]? Here is their contact information:" and then prints their entire contact card including which worksite they're at and who their manager is.

Their name did not contain, nor was it a typo of, anything in my question.

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My workplace has a chatgpt-style bot that you can talk to using the regular workplace chat program. I guess it's primarily for asking questions about work policies and procedures, but I actually tried doing that a few times... the first time it spent 10 minutes trying to answer "What can you do?" and ultimately told me "I'm sorry, there's been a problem. I've let my manager know."

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a large language model sees a turtle lying on its back on the sand. why is the large language model not helping the turtle

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I was really into basketball for a few years when I was a kid, during a stint where you could actually watch NBA games on free-to-air Australian TV, and for most of that time I collected basketball, soccer, and AFL cards.

I found them all during an office move recently. Flicking through the folders, I spotted two copies of this Michael Jordan NBA card that shows him...not playing basketball.
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good morning followers. remember that Thursday is Diet Friday - it's not as sweet and frequently just leaves you craving the real thing.

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Happy Neil Banging Out The Tunes Day to those who celebrate!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!