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Another month passes by and I got more cash from the folks who support my Patreon.

It always amazes me that there's people that care about my stuff enough to throw a buck or two my way, honestly.

If you wanna be one of those, check my Patreon here:

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“What’s that, kid? You want to know the difference between a doll and an action figure? Oh, you’ll get lots of stories from lots of sources on that one. People who’ll say brushable hair or changeable clothing makes something a doll, and ignore all those full-size GI Joes with both. People who’ll say possibility makes an action figure—and here comes Made to Move Barbie, and fuck, is Barbie an action figure now?

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One of my favourite Wingroove features is that it measures how good your PC is in terms of how many times faster it is than the developer's PC. My Windows 98 VM is 131 times faster, apparently.

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Mistigam: in many jurisdictions, #Pride is celebrated in the month of June. It can be a lot to wrap your head around, especially this year, and it might just blow your mind... as depicted here in a #BBCMicro high resolution graphics animation by @pixelblip . This piece, "Together", was included in the MIST0822 artpack collection released last summer.

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“The 2021 Make a Neat ZZT Board Contest-Jam Type Thing Compilation” by 12 Entrants/4 Judges/KKairos/WiL/Zinfandel (2022)
Published by: Mean Girls Games/Sokoban Solvers Games
[Original Entries/DOG!.zzt] - “DOG!”
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Playing Symphony of the Night on stream yesterday, I was thrown by this piece of music which showed up out of nowhere. What a tune!

I have no idea why the soundtrack suddenly changed from operatic melodies to 70s pop, but I have zero complaints.

(Does give me flashbacks to the half-horses that murderise you on sight, though.)

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The first two "screens" of trying to read an article titled "We used to get excited about technology. What happened?"


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If you had any doubts about purchasing Might & Magic III, this dancing installer person immediately reassured you that, yes, you have bought a perfect game that loves you

#dos #dosgaming #retrogaming

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#RIPscrip, as a vector art format, consists of drawing instructions. As such, if one were to view the original RIPscrip file for this image on a contemporary computer, or through an appropriately-coded modern viewer, they will be able to see the individual shapes used in the picture draw themselves one by one, as shown here in this GIF:

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A little something different from my #NerdStitch archives. Prince of Persia from the Apple II, I recreated the main character running animation in 8 frames of cross stitch and then attached them to a hand crank flip book kit to make it go.

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Y’all ever wonder what the game you’re working on in World Builder for Macintosh System 6 would look like on the @playdate and then accidentally start designing and coding it a little bit? Haha this is rhetorical question it happens to everyone

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Images from a slideshow advertising KPT Bryce 1.0, found on the CD for Kai's Power Tools 3 (1995)

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1980s arcade game designers hid their names in high score tables: a long growing list of classic high score screens and their known credits thehistoryofhowweplay.wordpres

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Found this while hunting for a floppy disk that still works (so I could copy USB drivers to a fresh Win98 laptop install). The Polish-made Epic MegaGames-published Robbo was my first experience with shareware on DOS/Win3.1 rather than Mac. Cool game. Doesn’t look like I have the first disk anymore.
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The biggest disappointment of the 21st century is that doors still don't sound like this when they open.

firefox, if i were not using you on principle to get away from the chrome ecosystem, i would drop you in a heartbeat for having a fucking pop-up ad for your VPN service hijack the entire browser

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!