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am I gonna have to make a damn bluesky now too just to keep up with my people?

yet again shades of Ye Olden Days, when I had 3 chat programs running because none of my Buddies agreed on which ones were Good

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2006 - 2022: Corporate content hosts are so cheap and easy that no one has an incentive to learn to self-host content, and people who were previously self-hosting content move over to big "social" platforms

2022 - โ€ฆ : Platforms close off in every imaginable way and start taking every opportunity to extract rents from users, benefits that originally got people to move over now gone, but the network effects are such you can no longer switch to open alternatives or convince other people to do so

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Ad blockers are also cybersecurity. Say it with me.

They reduce malvertising, watering hole attacks, and general malicious script execution. Itโ€™s not all about you, ad firms.

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I'm sorry my tales haven't been as daily as they used to be (trying-to-stay-afloat reasons) - thank you dear readers for your continued presence.

And welcome new dear readers, it is good to see you all! Thank you for being here!

If you're interested in additional commentary or epilogues for these tales, please consider following my Free Patreon.

It's a thing one can do without spending a single coin!

(But if coins do get tossed my way, I wouldn't complain) :blobcat:

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On the other hand: thinking about how sitcom characters probably have to hear that music every time they walk into their own house...

"Ugh, great, something stupid's about to happen again, isn't it."

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if you're the type of royalty who has a guy with a horn to signal your arrival to a place... y'know, to regular people, your arrival is an Event, it's worth dropping what you're doing to see which important person has just arrived.

But to you, the royalty in question? It's like the scene change stinger on a sitcom. It plays every time you're showing up somewhere. It's the Seinfeld Keyboard Guy to your strange royal life.

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few remember this, but back in the mid-90s origin systems built #UltimaIX as a 3d game with a unique isometric camera using a software renderer running at 640x480

screenshots from this early pre-alpha were sent around to a few german gaming mags, and then forgotten as it went into development hell

here are a handful of the dozen or so screenshots from that early build of U9, before it was scrapped in favour of a 3D hardware GPU-friendly renderer

although the final game would look much prettier, i always thought this early build preserved the soul of #Ultima


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Too many people worked too hard on these shows and movies for them to be gone forever.

Even shows I watched as a kid can still be found *somewhere*. Now a show that doesn't do blockbuster numbers in its first season gets wiped from existence as if it had never been made.

We're losing pieces of our cultural heritage just so some billionaire can line his pockets with money he could never hope to spend.

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finally have some time to work on Atari 2600 Myst again. Maybe I'll make some progress before Mysterium happens

Working on some less iconic (though no less important) areas

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This reminds me of something I posted on a previous social media account.

โ€œYouโ€™ve Got Mailโ€: a romantic comedy about a little bookstore being overrun by a huge bookstore/DVD store

โ€œYouโ€™ve Got โ€˜Youโ€™ve Got Mailโ€™โ€: a dark comedy about a huge bookstore/DVD store being overrun by an online mail-order megastore.

โ€œYouโ€™ve Got โ€˜Youโ€™ve Got โ€œYouโ€™ve Got Mailโ€โ€™โ€: a tragedy about an online mail-order megastore being supplanted by streaming services. โ† YOU ARE HERE

โ€œNo Oneโ€™s Got โ€˜Youโ€™ve Got Mailโ€™โ€: a farce about how all movies have become unavailable because companies withhold them for the tax write-offs.

โ€œYouโ€™ve Got Mail-full-1080p.mkvโ€: a documentary about the valuable role that pirates are performing as librarians and archivists.

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Colonel Faffywaffy (Arilou Lalee'lay) + Sasha Nein
Elmer Fudd + Marvin the Martian

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for people with ADHD, it's not that our memory is bad, it's that our garbage collection is too strict

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!