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Some cool images I found today

These were made on Amiga computers back in the day by various artists.

#pixelart #commodore #amiga #retrocomputing

I wonder if anybody makes a Rubik's Snake out of solid metal. Or possibly a tiny anvil. For some reason I really like handing small but heavy objects.

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It's great to know that Tech Noir survived not only all the trials of the 20th century economy, but even the Judgement Day itself.

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"Piracy can't be stealing if paying for it isn't owning"

This is increasingly how it feels, when streaming shows disappear for tax reasons and things you "own" digitally become inaccessible.

Thank you @Illuminatus for this quote.

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Internet Archive now has a menstruation information and history library, since we now live in a world with Florida bill 1069, which bans the mention of periods before sixth grade in Florida public schools.

Library is universally available:

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i gave some people access to my thermal printer and now i have several rolls of physical memes

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A question being googleable does not mean it's automatically okay to insult someone for asking it.

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One interesting tidbit about this game: it uses a 16-color high resolution CGA(!)/ASCII mixed graphics mode, using a squished ASCII character set for additional graphics. Reportedly not all IBM compatibles were compatible enough to display this!

Also shout outs to the manual which went into great detail about the myth of Osiris and ancient Egypt itself, and how their beliefs (or what we know about them) affected parts of the gameplay:

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Game 111: Seven Spirits of Ra (1987), by Sir-Tech.

Pharaoh Osiris isn't having a great day. Not only is he slain by his brother Set, his corpse is cut up and different animals ate the pieces. Now his body is like the many variations of this myth: all over the place.

In this version Osiris uses his 7 remaining spirits to hunt the beasts that ate him so he can restore his body plus gain the ability to transform into them, allowing you to fly or crawl through narrow passages.

#retrogaming #msdos

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@grumpygamer open source classic overhead shooter, #CDogsSDL

Was a freeware DOS game from 1997-2001, open sourced and I’ve been maintaining since 2013

One of the unusual features is that it can read wolfenstein 3d data, so if you have that installed via steam or gog, you can play through that whole game but overhead instead of first person

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So now I can talk about it: we're working with Cyan to digitize their video archives! Over 100+ hours of footage from the making of the Myst series.

We're SO excited about this project. Please help a little with our expenses if you can!

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If you have 100 followers or less? Reply to this with a couple of screenshots and a short brief of your game / the game-adjacent thing you're working on, and I'll Boost you to my er like, 5.6k followers.

I'll space things out so I don't spam my folks. Can't promise I'll do every single one. But, we just got a LOT of new #GameDev folks here from dying-site who need to find their people.

(I'm just copying eniko here, but it's a very good idea and it seems especially relevant right now)

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EU: Right, enough's enough, we've got too many chargers, everything's on USB-C now.
Phone people: ugh fine
Laptop people: ugh fine
Big Red Hairy Face Machine people: phew, they forgot about us, we can keep on using figure-twelve Jones plugs, how's that new advert coming Harry
Harry: "25 minutes of shaving time from a single twelve-hour charge!"
Big Red Hairy Face Machine people: God I love being the industry that time forgot

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Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!