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Designers now always make things for regular and dark themes but unbelievably fail to include Hotdog Stand

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My once every 2 years blog post has just gone up.

Finally sharing my 1 bit pixel art version of Hokusai's "The Great Wave"

Plus bonus 640x480 desktop pic version!

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Was watching an episode of Murder, She Wrote, and I wasn't expecting to see Spy Hunter be used to help Jessica Fletcher solve the mystery!

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CD-i with a vision of a more inclusive future

(Tim and Bear at the Airport, Valkieser Multimedia/Philips Interactive Media, CD-i, 1994)

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Are we really going to hate on the Patreon rebranding when the previous logo was a lowercase "r"? Honestly, I'm kind of into the idea that they want to treat it like the MTV logo circa the '90s.

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The #OPLArchive is my project to preserve the history of DOS-based chiptune music in a central location, using the universal VGM file format. I'm trying to find and add as many songs as I can. Check it out at - You can even listen in your browser! #YM3812 #YMF262

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!