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also remembering an install guide i like to follow that involves writing up a small batch file to automate some system setting changes (it's a batch file, open source by its nature), except that as of a few years ago, that batch file will get flagged as a Severe System Threat as soon as you try to save it from notepad.

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maybe it did have a bitcoin-mining trojan stuffed in it, maybe it didn't. unfortunately no program is left on my computer that'll litigate it because the kangaroo court of Windows Defender, Firefox, and 7-Zip have already declared it Guilty and removed it, and I'm powerless to get it to try again short of using another computer running a different OS.

which is bullshit because the program is for Windows anyway and I'd have to basically smuggle the EXE file across.


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as much as I could be sure that this program is relatively trustworthy, and that it's a false positive, i can't very well believe that it *isn't*, plus basically every program on my computer that tries to touch the file in any way is screaming bloody murder about it and not letting me get a word in edgewise.

and so the endgame is that i did not rip a music track from LAD:IW and apparently neither has anybody else, and it'll be stuck in my head all day now.

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modern hobbyist software has way too big of a minefield anymore.

wanted to rip a music track out of Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth, a task for which there are already mod tools, since the respective archive and audio formats are known since a few games ago. unfortunately, one of the necessary tools flags my antimalware so badly that even 7-Zip starts freaking out as soon as it lays eyes on the thing, in addition to my browser refusing to follow the link and Windows throwing SmartScreen errors.

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OpenTTD turns 20 this year and to celebrate we're preparing for one of our largest ever releases.

It's packed with 40 new features, 80 changes, and almost 150 fixes.
In the upcoming weeks we will share more posts explaining some of these features in depth. For now, we need your help testing our work.

We need as many people as possible to test this beta version of the 14.X release series, so you can find and we can fix as many bugs as possible before the actual release.

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The most infuriating thing about trying to get a broken MacBook back to work is looking at this abomination.

For goodness sake, don’t stick a Mercator projection into a circle; please use an orthographic projection. #mapstodon

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suffice to say, i think my guests approve of their welcoming committee

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I saw this online somewhere and I just had to recreate it. This is my coding happy place.

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This is as far as computing should have ever been allowed to get.

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I thought I knew the SimCity series pretty well but I never knew there was a "version 2.00" for DOS, renamed to "SimCity Classic".

It has some smaller improvements (built-in terrain editor, slightly higher EGA resolution and all the graphics addon sets) but the biggest is sound card support: no more PC speaker yelling at you when you misclick. Some of the sounds effects were reused in SimCity 2000.

It also has a nice music track but, it being the only one, it unfortunately becomes old quickly.

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Weasel boosted

Six MS-DOS (and Win9x) era laptops all up and going, really fun to have these setup and playing the same game.
286 Compaq from 1988
386 Acer from 1990
486 Toshiba from 1993
Pentium Toshiba from 1995
Pentium II Gateway from 1998
Pentium III IBM from 2000

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support, too! donate a few bucks to them if you can! they deserve your support and they are an insanely invaluable resource - the wayback machine is an project and the amount of times ive used it to gain access to old files on now defunct websites is countless

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!