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Weasel boosted

moderating is a sucky job that nobody wants. at least, a job that nobody wants to do *right*. if someone *does* want to do that job, probably start examining why, because it's 50/50 whether they're new and unjaded, or they're actually awful at the job and nobody's dared question it to that point.

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Weasel boosted

I find that recently the #1 criteria on which I pick software, and sometimes the only criteria on which I pick software, is "does using it feel degrading?"

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REPLACE: Replaces files in one directory with files in another directory.

The REPLACE command is used to replace files in one directory with files from another directory. It's often used to update files or synchronize their contents between different locations.

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Weasel boosted

@daedalus When I tell people "I only program in anger or self-defense" this is what I mean.

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An important aspect of the hacker ethos is the "got so mad at broken proprietary thing that I fixed it myself" attitude. It runs explicitly counter to the cop mentality half of infosec has these days.

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this was a fun style departure for me! i hope to do more of these soon :)

if you want something like this, hit me up!


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@ifixcoinops reminds me of how ordering pizza online was used in the film The Net

> As we were developing the story and coming up with different things that Sandra Bullock's character could be doing, that she was working at home and we also wanted to express her loneliness, it was actually Irwin, the director, who came up with, "What if you could order pizza over the net?" I remember at the time I was thinking, "Well, why would you want to do that? You can just call somebody and just order pizza." [But] what we wanted to say is that she doesn't want to have any contact with any humans directly.

and now we've wrapped around to "I'm going to use a phone specifically because I don't want to have to interact with this company's awful software"

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โ€œBluesky could be the future of content moderationโ€.

I 100% disagree.

Yes, the protocol offers a plethora of ways to filter content and ensure you never come across, say, Nazis.

But thatโ€™s not what content moderation is. Content moderation is making decisions. It is either welcoming or refusing certain types of content on your platform.

If youโ€™re letting everyone in, and telling your users "but you have control!", youโ€™re not moderating anything. Youโ€™re just quitting.

Weasel boosted

I'm kinda horribly broke again and need to get back to getting out of my storage units, but at the moment I can't even pay for them, let alone the shelving/truck/time I'd need to be able to move out of them. So if you're able to donate something, that'd be really helpful!

Weasel boosted

What if I told you there is an immensely popular operating system that you likely used it at least once, but did not realise what it was?

In fact, it is so popular and important there is an IEEE standard based on it.

It is uncanny how immensely popular AND immensely obscure this system is.

It is scary that until today I have never even heard of its reference desktop implementation.

The system is called "TRON".

๐Ÿงต thread~

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Weasel boosted

A friend of mine recently burned out on maintaining open-source software and communities, and had been half-joking for a while that they wanted a sassy license to the effect of "I release this code for free, take it or leave it, or go do it yourself".

Tonight I wrote that license for and with him. Please enjoy the "Fork Off" Public License, v0.9:

(I'll tag a v1.0 after any feedback y'all might have to clarify things or make it funnier. Forking it is also of course ok.)

City of Damocles - a 1-bit art commission I did for Cohost user belarius, on a 1986 Mac Plus, with a trackball and a paint program that doesn't support layers.

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if you've tried to use an original xbox controller under windows 10 and have had issues with XBCD (no rumble) and Xb2XInput (delayed/stuck inputs) check out my fork which improves polling by using async libusb i/o

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All raise a sword, for the Goddess of Stories, Jennell Jaquays, as she ascends to Valhalla to share tales of bravery and mirth, forever @jennellallyn

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!