i actually have this screencap printed out (with subtitle) on a 3x5 photo paper, tacked to what I call my "go out and be an adult" shelf. It's where I hang my house keys, masks, and (until last year) work badge.
We’re still recovering at the Disk Doctor so while we wait, please enjoy this 90s fueled design of the #SyQuest 88MB cartridge case. It’s *chefs kiss*
Mastodon for Apple II, version 1.14.0, is released! It provides a big performance improvement on the serial bandwidth, all the way to 115,200bps. This is especially visible for loading images!
for my 30th year being activated i want everyone to take a cool look at all the stuff i've done https://maple.pet/ https://netizen.club/ https://soundcloud.com/svetlana especially my pride and joy https://maple.pet/webgbcam #webgbcam and send me nice messages especially if i've made stuff you liked because i've been really lonely lately
I'm stalling on updating the Golfshrine website. These examples aren't uninteresting, and it's not like i have nothing to say about them. Just updating the website is a pain. Currently researching ways it can be made easier or more entertaining.
Maybe i should install Frontpage for Mac? Though I'd also have to struggle with how to upload the result...
Now on the Secret Area proper: https://asecretarea.com/2024/02/20/celeste-frustration-puzzle-platformers/
I have round cards, dog bone cards, donut cards, pizza slice cards, VW Minibus cards...
...but the shaped cards I'm the happiest to own is a trio I call the Extra Value Meal. Burger, fries, and a Coke.
silicon valley VCs' best ideas of the 2020s:
-put a drone on something
-wrongness generator 3000 (uses more energy than a small nation)
-space pollution
-self-crashing cars
-an app that is actually criminally underpaid workers in another country
-an app that is actually criminally underpaid workers in this country
-vrchat but it cost 20x to make and it fucking sucks
The creator of the Living Worlds app - beautiful old color cycling pixel art from the 90s by the legendary Mark Ferrari - is looking for new artists to do new scenes: https://iangilman.substack.com/p/next-living-worlds
He/him. Puzzle-Adventure Hybrid with RPG Elements. Supports 3D Acceleration. He Is Essentially What He Believes. Just in case, 🔞, LGBTQ+ 👍, DOS 👌, 🐂💩👎.
Avatar by @mavica_again