Show newer - yesterday and today, I've spent my time laboriously converting all of my writing that I did for Cohost, into HTML that I can host on my own webspace. Everything is now properly organized, and because I have full control over its presentation, each setting now has its own neat little CSS style associated with it. If you enjoy genre fiction, there is Quite A Lot of it here.

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When I die please mix my ashes with concrete, then turn me into a brick and throw me at an Amazon Warehouse

Working on relocating my writing - especially the stuff from Cohost - to a subsection of my webspace on Netizen Club (the same space Golfshrine is hosted on). This gives me more control over its presentation than with Dreamwidth or Wordpress.

It also lets me make the text glow like a terminal.

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It's good that Desert Bus is on the immediate horizon, because if there's anything we need now, it's an overwhelming demonstration that good persists. For Hope indeed.

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USA: oouuuhhh you can't put ketchup on your hot dog you're supposed to have it with only mustard you're not a child anymore

Brazil: segura minha caipirinha

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you know, to ease myself from absorbing too much uspol stress I'm gonna watch the Robair Clip Tape

Literally 6 hours of random game show stuff, recorded by Robair Mackey, probably one of the original game show superfans:

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One of the things I miss most from #FreeBSD when I'm on Linux is being able to hit ^T to get a status line showing what a long-running process is up to. Pretty much everything in base seems to emit a useful line about what it's working on (e.g. cp will tell you the file/percentage it's up to) and the system will add output with load and task state/times.

In the screenshot, I hit ^T after the β€œdaily" line, while tarsnap was working away quietly to itself. Works on macOS too, generally.

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If nothing else but wordle will do, and you have an old Palm OS device somewhere, there's always palmdle!

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Since I trust you won’t cross the picket line to play Wordle while NYT’s tech workers are on strike, may I suggest instead you try out @ironicsans β€˜s delightful Gisnep? It’s a daily word puzzle where you reconstruct a quotation from its component letters.

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Many long years ago I held a two day Battle Chess tournament with my friend Joe at a VCF East. We had different micro computers play CPU vs. CPU chess via null modem cable without human intervention. A Windows PC won day one. An Apple IIGS won day two. Tonight I am having a bit of nostalgia by having an #Amiga battle an #AtariST.

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Have you heard of a mineral called Ulexite?
The block itself has quite an interesting structure and looks translucent when polished but if you lay it down on a surface you suddenly can see a clear picture from what is underneath!

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If anyone would like a diversion, here is a camera trap picture of a groundhog at my parents' house a few years ago. #BackyardWildlife #Groundhog #Woodchuck #WildlifeCamera

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one of the perverse incentives of the ad-supported web is that for every product or service that may solve your problem, there is at least one idea, skill, recipe, approach, tradition, workaround, or hack which almost every commercial source of information is incentivized to not only ignore, but actively suppress

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modern web developers sure love to do A/B-testing and slow-rollout for new features that literally everybody wants or needs, but will insta-push unpopular breaking changes to everybody at once without warning

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In Osaka Station on Friday I saw a diaper vending machine. Frick!! That makes so much sense!! Why is this the first time in my entire life I have ever seen such a thing!!

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With Snoop Dogg now being in Fortnite, I've now updated my article of Snoop in video games to mention this alongside him reappearing in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III this year.

Likes, shares, and comments appreciated, as always.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!