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Weasel boosted - Today's acquisitions update comes by way of a gift from a Friend of Golfshrine, Herzog Zwei. A whole new experience with Sierra's TrueSwing system, in PGA Championship 1999.

anyway, i'm in need of a pick-me-up, so it's off to go consume some cat videos and hope that it does anything

i am only still a member of moderation in one place on the internet - a discord server for a small gaming publication. there are times now that i feel ashamed of having such a visible role, even if my presence has been nothing but good for that server.

after last year? it makes me feel like a target. sure, i haven't had death threats, i haven't been doxxed (yet). but there are people i can't talk to ever again, places i don't dare show my face. and i know the internet is a small place.

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i always used to believe that the enforcement needed to be "users first" - they needed presence, they needed to be helpful in things besides arguments and literally illegal activities, build the trust with the normally-privileged user base by being good citizens. of course, reputation has a way of tanking when it's one mistake.

far be it from me to say that 4chan had the right idea for *anything*, but maybe keeping the mod staff's identities heavily under wraps has its advantages in the 2020s.

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in order to not have to put a CW on this, i'm gonna put this as vaguely as possible: it sucks that there are certain infractions that *NEED* to be acted on ASAP with zero delays or time spent questioning or investigating. for some problems, there can be no time spent to wait and see how a situation develops. for some problems, nothing short of immediately, permanently blasting the user is acceptable, and anything less can and *will* get the mod staff yelled at.

except. they get yelled at anyway

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i wonder, sometimes, if hearing news about moderation decisions - especially ones that the public perceives as being especially poor, or have poor messaging/transparency - will ever *NOT* give me a fit of anxiety.

is this what it's like to have trauma? am i just not going to ever get past those chapters of my own life as a former moderator?

christ on a bike. if ever there was a profession in which a person can do no right...

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just stamping "DENIED" on someone's request without even feeling the need to state it in the text is INCREDIBLY funny

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One of the CSG anti-cubes on the side of the quarried mountain had this tree living in it and I felt love for this tree. Fall is coming in late and all the trees are green still, except this one tree, possibly a different species? Clinging to this impossible, unreal antispace, blooming a different color than anything around it

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With the news of game show host turned conservative pundit Chuck Woolery passing away today, I decided to pull up an old tweet where he got into an argument with Cher for some reason

I don't think this pro wrestler guy is in the game either.

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I have not been giving you all nearly enough golf game content. So here is a GameCube game. I'm told this one is really more like a Hot Shots Golf clone than anything, and that this is the least fitting cover art for that. (Hell, I thought it was gonna be like Outlaw Golf.)

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Weasel boosted

Found a place on Google Maps called "I'm Donut ?" and was like, ha ha, I want to eat at "I'm Donut ?". Then we found it and the line wrapped around itself twice then disappeared around a corner. The line was so long we never saw the end of it. I will not be donut today :(

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hey gargron hire me for graphic design i can make mastodon branding way cooler

like here

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!